Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Everything You Should Know About Hair Blowouts

You must have heard so many things, perceptions, or opinions about hair blowouts; as a result, you might be curious to learn more about them, especially when planning to try them on your hair. Don't need to wonder more, because here you will get to know everything about the hair blowouts. Let's start;

What is Hair Blowout?

Blow-out is drying your hair after washing to get the desired hair styling look, such as; straight hair, curly hair, wavy hair, or any other look. During the hair blowout process, your hair stylist uses different styling techniques and products to provide you with the desired look.

How does hair blowout work?

The hair blowout process involves a few steps that your hairstylist performs on your hair to get the desired look. Below are the steps that include in the hair blowout process.

  • Initially, your stylist will wash your hair with a good quality shampoo and conditioner.
  • Wrap your hair in a towel for a few minutes to dry.
  • After towel drying, they will apply a leave-in conditioner on your hair to protect your hair from blow drying.
  • Now, the hair stylist will use different hair brushes and dryers to give you the desired look.
  • Once your hair is in the desired shape or look, a hairstylist will apply a few hair products to keep your hair's blowout look long-lasting.

What time is ideal for blowouts?

Well, anytime you can get the blowouts. Whether you are planning to go out with your friends or attend a wedding for any normal to special occasion any time you can get the best hair blowouts services. To get the hair blowouts services, all you need to do is visit a hair salon.

You can visit us at The Club Spa and Salon to get the Hair Blowout in El Paso, TX; we have professional hair stylists who will provide you desired hair look through hair blowouts. You can visit us by booking an appointment on our website; 

How long does hair blowout last?

Generally, a hair blowout lasts up to 3- 5 days; however, if you don't wash your hair and don't try another hairstyle on it, it can easily last up to a few days. Also, by following a few tips, you can keep your hair blowout lasting up to more days, such as;

  • Don't wash your hair and keep out of the rain
  • Slip on a comfortable and a satin pillowcase
  • Freshen up your blowouts by giving your roots blowouts touch


A hair blowout is definitely a good solution to get the desired hair styling look for any special day or occasion. All the listed information in this blog will help you know exactly what hair blowout is, how long it lasts, and what time is ideal for getting it. 

Now that you have a complete idea about hair blowout and what you are waiting for, book an appointment with us at The Club Spa & Salon, and get your hair blowout job done with our professional hairstylist in El Paso, TX. Contact us now!

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